How Can D2C Brands Drive Customer Loyalty With A Robust Customer Engagement Strategy

How Can D2C Brands Drive Customer Loyalty With A Robust Customer Engagement Strategy

During the second edition of The D2C Summit, a masterclass titled 10x Your D2C Brand With The Perfect Digital Customer Experience touched the key areas such as:

  • Building an effective communication strategy for customer engagement and retention
  • Customer experience management by digital-first brands through innovation, automation and connection
  • Zeroing in on the right technology mix to collect customer data and use it for personalisation and LTV growth

In a digital-first era, customer engagement has emerged as a critical business trigger, driving customer satisfaction and long-term retention. The more a company engages with its customers in the way they prefer it, the stronger the relationships and the better the insights, helping the business avoid skyrocketing customer acquisition costs. To decode the customer engagement puzzle and explain industry best practices, Sonia Kaul, VP of product marketing and digital enablement at Karix, conducted a masterclass to guide direct-to-consumer (D2C) companies.

Why Brands Must Craft A Strong Customer Engagement Strategy

D2C brands have gained traction in the past couple of years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent rise in online shopping across the country. With strong growth in sight, brands are now betting big on scaling their customer engagement programmes as never before. 

Although D2C brands recognise the power and value of a good customer experience, not many can master it. Therefore, it is critical to understand what matters most to customers and how it impacts brands. 

In simple terms, customer experience is the outcome of all interactions a customer has with a brand, from product discovery to payments to after-sales conversations. This needs to be seamless and personalised across all connection points to ensure good customer engagement. 

According to Karix, companies that focus on customer experience can witness up to 80% revenue growth. On the other hand, 89% of people will switch to a rival brand after a poor experience. Therefore, brands must have robust processes in place to engage with customers and enhance their journey.